Supplementary resources

In addition to the original training materials produced during the WideHealth project, various supplementary resources from consortium partners have been identified. They will be available to all consortium members and students enrolled in the Online WideHealth Courses. Project subscribers can also query for access to these platforms.  Among these resources, two online learning platforms from HPI and one from JSI are highlighted below, which can be accessed through registration


tele-TASK is a comprehensive solution for recording and streaming lectures via the internet using a mobile unit that contains all the necessary hardware and software. It allows users to access seminars, presentations, and events from anywhere in the world, both live and on demand. The platform provides students with access to a range of learning resources, including:


openHPI is an internet-based educational platform run by the German Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam. It provides a unique opportunity to join a global social learning network through interactive online courses covering various topics in Information and Communications Technology (ICT), such as:


VideoLectures.NET is an award-winning free and open access educational video lectures repository run by Jožef Stefan Institute. The lectures are given by distinguished scholars and scientists at the most important and prominent events like conferences, summer schools, workshops and science promotional events from many fields of Science. The portal is aimed at promoting science, exchanging ideas and fostering knowledge sharing by providing high-quality didactic contents not only to the scientific community and the general public. Topics covered in VideoLectures include control technologies, communication and computer technologies, knowledge technologies, biotechnologies, new materials, environmental technologies, nanotechnologies, and nuclear engineering and also topics related to DHH:

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